Iaonsite, instead of Manhattan. A false statement you claim he made, he didn't. "you dont know that, it could of came from russia,etc etc" I further pushed for proof, you gave me the runaround. I further pushed for THE LINK to the proof, you never gave it but instead a vague description of the meme. Now Jarrad? (Jared, you mean) instead of China?
Might I suggest you construct a more coherent argument instead of leaving breadcrumbs and clues? You might otherwise make people you are talking to feel alienated. Fortunately, I most enjoy solving puzzles but alas, I've humored you this long and now I refuse to do any more work for you.
Though, I doubt you don't know this, it is entirely possible to blame Trump and China for the Covid-19 deaths on American soil without suggesting it came from China.
I'm sorry you disagree with that opinion but it is not up to me to pacify you or Manhattan for your differences. Try fighting your own battles instead.