Actual testing on all person onboard Diamond Princess: 46% were asymptomatic, and that is out of a population heavily weighted towards over 70years old.
Those figures only relate to hospitalizations and do NOT include asymptotic people who do not even realize they have been infected and people who test positive but are not hospitalized.
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1 reply
So what do you want to do? Do you want to divide by a hundred and say flu season's fatality rate is 0.002% and coronavirus ranges from 0.02% in countries that contain it successfully and almost 0.1% in ones that don't? The go***mn point stands.
So what if it’s for only one country. That’s what’s out there. If you can find this date analysis for another country, then kudos to you. This is NOT the Spanish flu.
0 ups, 5y
I'm not doing this if you're going to try to argue with my point, where I mention a comparison across different countries, and then ask me so what if you're not making that comparison.