Yes...everyday, in the media & in "social media", someone is screaming "racist" about whatever topic is at hand...the climate is racist, the stock market is racist, voting is racist, math is racist, the virus is racist, name it, it's racist. Now, even going to work is called RACIST.
No one is forcing anyone to do anything. If you don't want to cut hair, cut grass, cut nails, or cut avacados, then don't.
If you don't want to clean houses, wait tables, or make beds, then don't.
You act if it's only "Whitey" employing those people. News Flash: Other races also employ and utilize those vocations.
It's pretty RACIST of you to imply otherwise.
BTW...a lot of those that you are so concerned about have come here to this country voluntarily, and have seeked those jobs you have so ineloquently demeaned.
Furthermore, a lot of those same people came here ILLEGALLY and honestly, I am not concerned about them having jobs, I am only concerned about them going back to wherever they came from.
The ones who came here legally and became good citizens, like my parents did, they are welcome with open arms. And you know something....they WANT TO WORK.
Now, don't you feel just a little silly?