So there I am doing mindless things, cleaning up my room and organizing clothes when I hear someone singing "My Boo" By Usher, which is our song and at first I was like " What idiot Is singing this at 11 o'clock?" And then I am like HOLD THE ACTUAL F**K UP and run to my window and there was my f**king Caleb and he proceed to climb up to my window and Im like dude My neighbors will call the cops on your ass and he goes" ok you know that trip to the ski lodge well I was gonna do this there since you love it there but" He proceed to get down on one knee and He pulls out a ring that we saw while shopping for his moms birthday present and omg I scream " YOU IDIOT YOU COULD'VE GOT THE COPS CALLED ON YOURSELF BUT HELL YA BABE I WILL MARY YOU" and My dad and sister walk in cheering and asked him " Are you gonna crawl out my window like the other times?' and my Dad Is like " Hold the f**k up, what other times?" and Caleb looks scared ( He loves my Dad and often reminds him of his dad, who is sadly not with us anymore) So I calmly explain and Dad just rolls his eye and there Me and Caleb are re-watching High School Musical, happy Fiancees.
- One happy Gay, Hayoto.
P.S We are all in this together!