So I was playing my friends at smash bros. Brawl and obliterated them. One said they're the best at smash bros. ( I've never played them, but that statement reeked button masher ) so we played. At first I decided it would be funny to play trash then actually try. It was first to five and they were winning three nil ( didn't want to cut it too close just in case ). He was bragging to my other friends and roasting me. So we pick the stage and I turn to him and say ' I wouldn't be so sure about winning.' and push my glasses up from the bridge, the most badass move I've ever made. We play and I obliterate him five three, five wins in a row. This guy has the most shocked expression I've ever seen. He claims I cheated so we go through the rules again, I get another controller ( because my controller's better than his, this guy was using a game cube controller what a try hard ) and we play. I win five one and he just rage quits. Best day ever.