Sigh... why do simple things always have to be explained to simple snowflakes?
Okay, here goes. In order to "do it again", he would have had to have done it at least once, right?
Are you with me so far? I'll go out on a limb and say yes... buuuuut, probably not.
So, in order for your question (and your meme, for whatever that's worth) to have any credibility at all, you would have to demonstrate that Trump had done what your meme claims he did.
Are you still with me?
So, where is it? Either post a link to a snowflake web site that makes this claim, likely as unsubstantiated as your meme, or even better, a link to a *reputable* media outlet, like MSLSD, etc.
Without even an attempt to legitimize your meme, it's just crap, as I indicated in my original reply.