I didn't do that in the meme, I have done it in the comments section. I agree that China's wall vs President Trump's proposed wall have differences, that part was added as a joke. The main parts where the racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-progressive conservatives - criticisms the left often hurls at the United States - are worse in China.
To copy-paste part of a comment I made on this thread to someone else;
Homophobia; Attitudes to homosexuality vary from state to state, but there are states that repealed their sodomy laws in the 1970’s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodomy_laws_in_the_United_States#State_and_territorial_laws_prior_to_Lawrence_v._Texas while China ruled homosexuality a mental illness until 2001. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_China#Modern_China Plus gay people can get married in some states of the U.S. but they can’t get married in China.
Racism; While the U.S (and Canada for that matter) have got some nasty history there, China's no innocent in this department either; Western movies from the U.S. often downplay, or have downplayed, black people in their movies for the China release (such as the character Finn from Disney's Star Wars movies). Also check out this https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/04/13/china-racism-against-africans-isolated-incidents-misunderstandings/ and certain film critics in China reviewing the film "Black Panther" https://qz.com/1226449/a-torture-for-the-eyes-chinese-moviegoers-think-black-panther-is-too-black/ https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2386111/black-panther-isnt-going-over-quite-as-well-with-viewers-in-china Imagine the reaction if anyone form the U.S or Canada said this. Also check this out https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/04/13/china-racism-against-africans-isolated-incidents-misunderstandings/ Because China's media is so "free", we can trust they're being completely "honest", right? Ever heard of the time when China had a dark-skinned non-Chinese head of state? Where's China's Barack Obama? (Addendum: ever wonder WHY there are so few non-Chinese people in China?)