Again, you cannot read. I covered how kids should be handled and it was not to kick them out. Parents should use that time until they are adults to help them make correct choices. But no, you should never support sinful behavior. At all. Again within the memes context of a Christian household. Secular households will condone sin. Christian households should not.
So no attending SHAME parades. No allowing same sex dating. They may sneak, but that is the fault of the kid, not the parents. Take away car keys, remove doors from their room, etc. all sorts of corrective measures can be done to help the child get free from their destructive choices. But as an adult they then are free to make their own way and if they choose to remain in sinful rebellion then the parents owe them no more support. Love always. But not financial support.
I know your biased to defend your choice, but that’s reality.