One more time so you understand:
Kylie has a net worth of $90 million
She is a private citizen, not a public political figure (like Trump for example, who has basically waived his right to sue for libel by virtue of his running the country and making decisions that impact millions).
Libel is a well-established exception to free-speech doctrine.
She can afford to prosecute any sort of libel action against ImgFlip or whomever she wants for as long as she damn well pleases.
She’s not Bad Luck Brian, or whoever the hell Sydney and you folks cite as precedent for the proposition that meme subjects can never sue for damages.
And the type of disgusting misogynistic bullshit her image has been subjected to on this site far surpasses even Brian’s Bad Luck.
That stream is 100% defamation per se (look that one up for shits and giggles).
For the 1000th time: I have no standing to sue on her behalf. I can only attempt to reason and persuade.
It is entirely within ImgFlip’s power to choose to continue hosting such vile and illegal content, or not.
I have given my assessment of the situation as an attorney, though this message does not establish an attorney-client relationship.
Feel free to report this and to report me for the nth time.