you dont seem to understand what low priority means
and no, if you dont have insurance in this country you dont get treated. there was this 17 year old who might have had covid who died because he didnt have insurance and the hospitals turned him away. theres debate whether he died because of covid or if he had other underlying issues, but it doesnt matter because it shouldnt have happened at all. in italy he wouldnt have been turned down. not in france, not in germany, not in canada, not in norway, not in sweden not in any other developed nation. we are (and i cant stress this enough) the ONLY developed nation that doesnt have at least some kind of single payer system. tying healthcare to our jobs is set up to fail and theres plenty of happy little loopholes companies like uber can slip through to not provide it. 60,000 people die each year because they cant get to a doctor. you dont see those numbers in other developed nations.