How effing ignorant and desperate are you to still be desperately clinging to the Russian Collusion hoax?
Aside from the fact that a second DOJ report was just issued regarding the complete abuse of the FISA courts by the FBI, it just doesn't pass a sniff test.
If you can give me even one good reason why Trump would be in collusion with Russia, or a Russian agent, or even under Putin's thumb... any reason at all, then we could have an intelligent conversation about this.
But you can't, because it makes zero sense, unless you're a pathetic snowflake who is told what to think by the delusional anti-Trumpers at MSLSD... that's you, right?
Read what's in the image I attached. There's no dispute that he did all those things to Russia. So, if you can read that, and still believe he's in love with Putin, then your case of TDS will have been confirmed as terminal.