Are you serious?
He's hardly the greatest job creator. Obama even beats him for the first 3yrs of his Presidency. Trump created 6.7 million. Obama, 7.6
Clinton created 18.6 million.
Trump has NEVER had 4.2% economic growth.
The first 3yrs are slower/lower than Obama's last 3yrs. And, that is BEFORE the disaster that is unfolding now. All the tax cuts for the wealthy and the explosion to 3 times the yearly deficit, for NOTHING!
Trump will preside over the greatest drop in employment in American history, more than wiping out all gains in likely 2-3 weeks.
He is already presiding over the biggest financial bailout in world history.
Wtf are you thinking, posting a meme like this touting employment numbers with the disaster we've seen in the last two weeks?
Don't give him credit till we've got a final tally. Bush II looked pretty good in his last year right up till about this point as well.