No need to apologize for anything. I too have been an emotional wreck the longer this thing goes on and the more restrictions are placed on us. I'm not sure if the government's response is the best choice or not, I can only hope and trust its for the best. I understand it may seem like your life has been turned upside down, you're not in your routine and there's so much uncertainty. But you're not alone in your feelings. I know many people struggling just like you. So don't feel bad. We must stand together and defeat this thing and not let it bring us down. Do what you need to to stay positive despite all the negativity out there. The truth is many, many more people are recovering from this than dying. We're nearly to the peak where it should start decreasing. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I deleted my Facebook account because it was bringing me down and distracting me from doing other things. I'm going to buy a bike and just ride it sometimes to free my mind( I don't need to get close to anyone, it's exercise and frees my mind) try exercise everyday, make a daily schedule for yourself. Every hour so something different, wasting hours in front of the TV, being online or sleeping in bed all day won't help. Is there a book you've been wanting to read? Do you do any sort of art or crafting? Do you like to sing or listen to uplifting music. Maybe you have more ideas. Praying for you! *Hugs*