WHY DO MORMONS OFTEN HAVE LARGE FAMILIES? The Mormon doctrine, which teaches followers to have a lot of children, is not because it’s biblical; how children are a blessing from God, as is a husband and wife becoming one. Instead, with all due respect, Mormons are taught that they need to hurry up and crank out the linoleum lizards (kids) because their Mormon god and his many goddess wives have a bunch of spirit babies in heaven who need to come inhabit a human host baby here on earth. And you can imagine Mormon leadership telling followers to get moving because they don’t want those spirit babies born into earth children who are living in the wicked households like Pastor Billy’s or other non-Mormon Christians. But that's why they have so many children. And it blends into their other false teaching of multiple wives. Brigham Young said, “[Multiple] wives was revealed so that the noble spirits [spirit babies,] which are waiting for tabernacles [bodies] might be brought forth.” In other words, "We don't have time to stick with just one wife. We Mormon men each need many brides so they can crank out the kids like an assembly line." Mormonism teaches that it's every Mormon's duty to have as many children as possible, as a way of donating bodies for their god's spirit babies because, without Mormonism, those spirits will never make it back to heaven to be gods. Again, that's why Mormons typically have large families.