I just got back from Spain a week ago, and I can tell you this... Spain went from being a gorgeous friendly country to a hellhole in a matter of hours after the President of Spain ordered everything shut down 2 weeks ago.
The airport was a complete mess! Mass chaos as flights were cancelled left and right...thousands of foreigners left stranded, sleeping all over the ground. Toilets, normally gross there, were beyond gross and I saw a guy relieving himself right on the trolleys!
The food places were completely closed, so after a few days, it began to remind me of Tom Hanks "The Terminal" meets Lord of the Flies, meets the Donner Party!
Add to that , the police stormed the airport and began harrassing and hauling off people desperate to get a flight outta there.
My plane was one of the last planes out before the hellhole Barcelona airport was completely closed.
Our captain said that one brave, lone air traffic controller had barricaded himself in the tower after his colleages had fled... and he alone was getting planes in the air as fast as he could before the tower was stormed.
So I understand where this person who said stop laughing about it is coming from.... but at the same time... you gotta allow humor to offset the intense stress of the situation... Like me saying it was The Teminal meets Lord of the flies meets the Donner Party...
If I can't laugh at the screwed up situation the world is in now... I would crawl into a ball and DIE!
Laughter saves lives!!