I didn't miss any point. You thought I was parroting a point of view that you consider old and boring. That is exactly what you posted, right?
Since you mentioned what you think I do, I'll go out of my way to explain to you what I actually do. I go to the imgflip politics stream, and look through the first 2 or 3 pages under 'Hot' to see if there's anything interesting that I haven't seen before. Then I check "New": for anything that may be interesting. I ignore most of the anti-Trump memes, because quite frankly, they're just silly and ignorant. Usually they're made by people with an emotional and intellectual maturity level down near where you're at, so they're easy to ignore.
As for why I posted a reply to your meme, I will say that it had originality going for it, but that was about all. I'd never seen someone attempt to make a connection between two entirely dis-similar things, and fail as spectacularly as you did. So, I thought I'd point out the obvious, since I assumed you have no ability to grasp the obvious.
So in spite of your obviously self-absorbed nature, I do not care any more about your posts than I do about posts from the vast majority of those here on the flip, who like you, believe that their opinion is always right, and those who disagree must be idiots. I do not suffer from false consensus effect, as you clearly do.
I know, I know... that's an explanation that likely made a u-turn once your brain tried to comprehend its meaning, but at least I tried.