"I don't have to assume anything: you came right out and admitted it yourself when you said:
"NASA takes our tax dollars and gives us crappy CGI, not photographs."
If you really believe that, then yes, you are a conspiracy theorist.
I am sorry that label stings. It is not intended as an insult, just a description of reality."
This is what I was responding to when I said you are a condescending prick:
"Top panel: What you think you're doing
Bottom panel: What you're actually doing
Conspiracy theorists consider themselves "skeptics" but they are some of the least skeptical people of all. If Alex Jones or whoever shouts it loudly enough, then they'll believe it
A true outlook of skepticism requires you to check all new claims against what other authorities are saying, what you already know, and with common sense
When you do that: mainstream views don't look so bad"
You are still a condescending prick.