Sorry, late with this. Just found this stream!
This is a really complex and difficult subject. Scotland which is very pro-EU feels very jerked around by England over this, no doubt.
But the same logic that convinces Scots that staying in the EU is a better path may ultimately be the same logic that convinces them to stay in the UK.
There are deep historical ties with the rest of the UK. There are friends and families living across the border from one another. Scotland has its own national identity, but there is also a shared language, history, and culture with the other UK countries.
Scotland exiting the UK would present its own difficult logistical challenges similar to Brexit. And speedy re-admission to the EU would be no guarantee.
The EU wants to discourage Catalonian and other separatist movements around Europe, after all. Giving Scotland a great deal on re-admission would only encourage them.
Not offering a prediction one way or the other, but these are the difficult questions.