Python is an easy language to understand. There are a few things I hate about Python. First of all Python's scoping in which ending a scope simply happens by stopping to indent. That works wonderful for small scripts (for which Python was originally intended), but for coding long and complex programs, it's a complete disaster, as wrong scoping ends are very common in complex programs, and in Python such mistakes can be lethal. The other thing I don't like is that Python programs are a downright disaster to distribute as it's very dependency based.
The question now is though, are you aiming for actually creating .exe files, for which I currently prefer C# myself. The downside of C# is that it focuses completely on Object Oriënted Programming and that can be pretty abstract to newbie programmers, however there are some ways for me to get stuff a bit on the road for that.C# is by the way also gaining popularity for scripting engines, such as Unity, Godot and Unreal, and there are now also webservers based on C#. So this can be a good language to keep eye on.
When you want to focus on scripting as easily as possible, then an engine supporting Lua can be a good way to go. Lua is as simplistic as Python, but less suffering on the downsides I have in Python. What I have against Lua though is that it does not support variable declarations (with Python has indirectly by defining the first value, and which C/C#/C++/Pascal even require) and that means the tiniest typo can be a killer in long complex code. That's why I made the NIL extension for it on my own projects. Lua also does not really support Object Oriented Prgramming, which I heavily rely on, but Lua allows you to cheat on that (and NIL does the cheating for you, so that saves a lot of work).
Of course, these are my own personal preferences, as it always comes down to your own perspective as a coder, as don't believe in the "best" programming language.