Nope, you just assign words to me I never typed. Impossible to have a discussion with. It’s why I haven’t replied to you. A business that can’t pay its taxes should be closed or fined and then closed in 90days if they can’t pay up. A business that gets tax credits is just a thief and contributes nothing to society. It’s called capitalism not free money or bill forgiveness. Tax credits might as well be a forever bankruptcy since they are not paying their fair share. Not redefining anything. Just not a sheeple that’s bought into false propaganda that not paying taxes creates jobs. Every business I have owned paid taxes. I grew them added employees and paid taxes. I am sure you will come up with some unintelligible rhetoric again so don’t expect a response. Go read your propaganda book again. It was a bad read and full of rationalization and lies. You swallowed it and became even less of a free thinker. I can’t tell if your ultra conservative that repeats their lies or complete libtard that bends over for others lies but not realism in your viewpoint. Sure you feel the same about me. Have a good day. We will not agree.