Reddit is extremely politically biased. For example, they ban large right-wing subreddits, but not large left-wing subreddits, from ever reaching the front page of Reddit. And by doing this they are lying to millions of people every day. They figured they could get away with it by saying that the right-wing subreddits are gaming the system to reach the front page more often, but the truth is that the left-wing subreddits do it as well, and even more than the right-wing subreddits do, yet they somehow avoid being banned for it. Also, they frequently shadow-ban conservative usersers. They have even admitted to comment editing and removal for opinions they do not like. This is why there are so many conservatives on Voat. Not because Voat is politically biased like Reddit, but because Reddit has foolishly forced conservatives off their platform. Voat is better than Reddit, anyway. They actually support free speech. I suggest you switch to Voat.