This is for all of y'all. First, I worked, I paid taxes, I served 9 years in the Air Force, picked up a couple degrees along the wya, I worked some more and retired, so I could troll people like you.
Yes we have this thing called the Constitution. In the Preamble it says, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
See that part about the General Welfare? That's why we have food stamps, housing benefits, and all the other "welfare" programs that the Constitution doesn't specifically mention either. It doesn't mention things like the interstate highway system, the Internet which was developed as ARPANET by DARPA, and a zillion other things the federal government has paid for.
Society as a whole already pays for health care or lack thereof one way or the other. People who use ERs when they finally get sick enough, but can't pay the bill. Lost productivity when people are too sick to work who wouldn't have been if they had health insurance. Valuable employees who die for the same reason. Its just a question of how we pay for it.
But here's the real question. If the US is "THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH" then why can't we do what the 32 other countries behind us on the economic ladder manage to do, and do it better than them? Why do we throw our hands up and go, "Waaaaa. We can't do that. That would be too hard. Waaaa"?