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Bernie Golf

Bernie Golf | image tagged in bernie sanders,golf | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,806 views 1 upvote Made by Fast_ED 5 years ago in politics
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BABY CRYING | FAST ED: | image tagged in baby crying | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Slavery is what you have when the government tells you what job you have, when you work, how long you work, how much you get paid and how long you spend in jail when you don’t work.

You’re only fooling yourself if you think under communism/socialism/Marxism that there are no economic classes. The ruling party always lives high on the hog, educated people have a better housing and cars, and less educated and uneducated don’t have as much. That clearly existed in USSR, exists now in Venezuela, Cuba, and N Korea.

Many people misunderstand the concept of greed. It tends to get confused with ambition. Ambition is wanting something with the understanding you have to give something to get it. Greed is wanting something without giving something in return.

To say that the RICH don’t pay their workers is a complete falsehood. If you’re talking about corporations, those big and rich corporations are generally publicly owned companies, whose stock is owned by individuals (not necessarily “rich” people- but hard working employees saving for their retirement) investment companies, IRAs/401(k)s and pensions.
Privately owned companies have to pay with the market price for labor is. When the supply of labor goes up due to illegal immigration, the relative price of labor, i.e.wages, goes down.

Capitalism, the application of labor to raw materials to produce a commodity, has existed for thousands of years and always will.
Capitalism flourishes under freedom of choice and freedom of ownership. That is precisely why so many people flock to the USA. They want freedom and the ability to enrich themselves through capitalism.
The promoters of socialism/communism/Marxism promise you all this security in abundance; but they don’t tell you that it comes at the sacrifice of freedom.
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You Need Some Free Education From Bernie!!!
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We Are Headed To Fascism!!!
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I hope you see the post above
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I meant MY post, which actually is below
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Here is some free education from perhaps the greatest democrat of modern times:

John F. Kennedy

Address to the Economic Club of New York

delivered 14 December 1962, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York
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"There are a number of ways by which the federal government can meet its responsibilities to aid economic growth. We can and must improve American education and technical training. We can and must expand civilian research and technology. One of the great bottlenecks for this country's economic growth in this decade will be the shortages of doctorates in mathematics, engineering, and physics -- a serious shortage with a great demand and an undersupply of highly trained manpower. We can and must step up the development of our natural resources."

Damn Sounds Just Like Bernie Wanting To Increase Public Education Into College And Trade Schools Beyond High School???
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JFK said IMPROVE education. That is vastly different than the gov’t paying for it, which would have detrimental budgetary consequences.

Since Jimmy Carter started the Dept of Education, USA quality of education global ranking has declined.
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"the vigorous expansion of our economy was resumed in 1940 and continued for more than 15 years thereafter."

That Was Under Our Democratic Socialist President FDR Who Was Elected 4 Times Then Under Truman Who Took Over For Another 8 Years!!!
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“ In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now. The experience of a number of European countries and Japan have borne this out. This country's own experience with tax reduction in 1954 has borne this out. And the reason is that only full employment can balance the budget, and tax reduction can pave the way to that employment. The purpose of cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus.”

Trump cut tax rates and jobs came back!

You cannot have charity (private or gov’t) without prosperity. Most recently 20 years ago, Venezuela what the route Bernie wants to go, and they’re worse off than before.
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Jobs Have Slowed Down Under Trump!!! DUH!!!
The Drop-In Unemployment Has Slowed Also!!!
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Look at the employment rate. If everyone, literally everyone, was employed the job GROWTH rate would be ZERO
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I Don't Know How You Think You Can Get Unemployment Any Lower Than It Is Already By Giving Away Money To Rich People By Further Cutting Their Taxes???

How About We Hire The People Directly Instead To Rebuild The Infrastructure Of The USA With That Money Insuring Good Paying Jobs That Give Back Tax Revenue And Fix Our Crumbling Infrastructure!!! Invest In Renewable Energy For Ourselves!!! Someone Is Going To Have To Pay All Of This Unpaid Debt Off Eventually!!!
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This response is to your very last sentence

Study up on the Weimar Republic. The speaker of the house Newt Gingrich pushed for a balanced budget and forced Clinton’s hand to achieve it.
Clinton got all the credit for it in the press. The economy responded positively to reduced spending and reduced deficit. I think JFK would’ve been proud.

The house of representatives is largely responsible for the budget/taxation. Ask current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi why the debt keeps getting bigger. She has been in the House a very long time, but not always the Speaker.

Yes, someone is going to have to pay that debt off eventually. But if Bernie has his way with Medicare for all, free college education, and the green new deal that Deb will only get bigger.
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Bernie's Plans Are Paid For!!!
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Bernie's Medicare For All Saves Money!!! And A Whole Lot of Lives 68,000 A Year!!!
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Quit Spamming Bitch!!!
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"Second, the new tax bill must increase private consumption, as well as investment. Consumers are still spending between 92 and 94 percent on their after-tax income, as they have every year since 1950. But that after-tax income could and should be greater, providing stronger markets for the products of American industry. When consumers purchase more goods, plants use more of their capacity, men are hired instead of laid-off, investment increases, and profits are high."

Raising The Minimum Wage To A Living Wage Will Spur This Economic Spending Needed!!!
It Also Increases Taxes Coming In And Reduces Expenditures For Welfare And Social Programs For The Poor.
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Q. If the price of gas goes up, does one drive less and consume less gas? If the price of labor goes up, the price of goods goes up. If the price of goods goes is one going to buy less goods, or more?

When JFK says the after-tax income could and should be greater… He means individual taxes should be lower.

All the spending Bernie wants to do, cannot be done with lower taxes without increasing the deficit/national debt. That debt you’re so worried about somebody having to pay off.

Taxing all those billionaires really won’t solve the problem. Let’s say you make Bill Gates sell his $50 million mansion. When you start taking the wealth away from all the other million/billionaires there will be nobody able to buy these physical assets.
That means the market value/price will have to drop, therefore you won’t get as much money as you thought you were going to get from these billionaires. And if you make Jeff Bezos sell off all his Amazon stock to pay his fair share, who’s gonna have any money to buy these shares of stock? Same thing will happen, the market value of this shares will drop and you won’t realize the dollars you thought you were going to get.
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It's The Amount Determined By The Government To Be Above Poverty
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Since President Johnson’s started the war on poverty and instituted a lot of the current welfare programs that he thought would be temporary, until people got out of poverty, the poverty rate is still about the same – 15%
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"Corporate tax rates must also be cut to increase incentives and the availability of investment capital. "

They Are Setting On Billions In Capital But It's In Banks Outside The USA They Only Bring In And Spend Enough To Reduce Their Tax Burdens. If We Raised Their Taxes That Would Cause Them To Bring In More Capital To offset Those Taxes And Spur investment In Their Business With Research & Development Along With Investment In Their Employees!!! Like It Used To Be!!!
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JFK is correct!

Taxes and money don’t work the way you have explained it.
It’s a global market. If the US tax rates are higher than the tax rates in other countries, where do you think corporations are going to park/earn their money? Where it’s cheapest – in other countries. Cutting the corporate tax rate will make doing business in the USA more attractive.
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"Third, the new tax bill should improve both the equity and the simplicity of our present tax system. This means the enactment of long-needed tax reforms, a broadening of the tax base, and the elimination or modification of many special tax privileges. These steps are not only needed to recover lost revenue and thus make possible a larger cut in present rates, they are also tied directly to our goal of greater growth. For the present patchwork of special provisions and preferences lightens the tax loads of some only at the cost of placing a heavier burden on others. It distorts economic judgments and channels undue amounts of energy into efforts to avoid tax liability. It makes certain types of less productive activity more profitable than other more valuable undertakings. All this inhibits our growth and efficiency, as well as considerably complicating the work of both the taxpayer and the Internal Revenue Service."

That Is The Tax Loopholes Bernie Is Talking About The Rich Keep Using!!!
You Can't Lower Taxes Like Trump has Without Ending These Loopholes Because The Rich Will Use Them To End Up NOT Paying In Taxes At All!!!
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Bernie and all the other members of Congress use those tax loopholes themselves. Those tax loopholes probably are not going anywhere anytime soon. How do you think Bernie got all that money to buy them three houses with? Or Nancy Pelosi’s millions?

The moral of the story is this. The tax laws do not discriminate. Take the time to learn how they work to your advantage. A few years ago Warren Buffett was quoted as saying that he pays less tax than his secretary. That is not exactly correct. The truth is the tax rate he pays on his long term capital gains is less than the the rate his secretary pays on her income.

You personally could have long-term capital gains. You can invest in the stock market, which is actually owning corporations to take advantage of all those tax loopholes.

It doesn’t take much money to get started buying mutual funds and owning a piece of the business world. But, alas, then you would be a capitalist. Which would be a good thing!

Educate yourself.

And remember that all this dialogue we are having on your computer or smart phone is made possible by capitalism.
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"These various exclusions and concessions have been justified [in the past] as a means of overcoming oppressively high rates in the upper brackets, and a sharp reduction in those rates -- accompanied by base-broadening, loophole-closing measures -- would properly make the new rates not only lower, but also more widely applicable. Surely this is more equitable on both counts."

Again Making It More Equal And Closing The Tax Loopholes!!!
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"But what concerns most Americans about a tax cut, I know, is not the deficit in our balance of payments but the deficit in our federal budget. When I announced in April of 1961 that this kind of comprehensive tax reform would follow the bill enacted this year, I had hoped to present it in an atmosphere of a balanced budget."

JFK Wanted A Ballance Budget Just Like Bernie Does!!!
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JFK And Bernie Thought Alike On A Lot Of Ideas!!!
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Bernie is Not Communist And Neither Is Russia DUH!!! The USSR Was...
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That’s right, when Bernie honeymooned there it was USSR and he was as much in love with communism as his wife
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How Does Visiting The USSR Make You A Communist???
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It’s not cause-and-effect.
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Then Explain How???
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1. Bernie honeymooned in Russia. 2. He has nothing but praise for several communist leaders/countries. 3. He’s not a Democrat – he registered as a Democrat only to run for president; before that he was an independent (I) because he never would’ve been elected senator in Vermont under the communist party
4. Well the USSR no longer exists, the Russian communist party influence in modern Russia cannot be denied.
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How Does Visiting The USSR Make You A Communist???
Even Adolf Hitler Was Time Magazine's Man Of The Year!!!
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I'm The One???
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Democratic Socialism!!!
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They Called The Greatest President We Ever Had A Socialist/Communist Also...
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That Made Bernie Laugh!!!
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Exactly! And what has he done while he’s been in the Senate other than acquire two more houses?
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Venezuela under Chavez
Cuba under Castro
North Korea
Initial Jamestown settlement
The hippie communes of the 60s & 70s

All were started with the same grandiose philosophies and promises that Bernie Sanders is promoting, and not one has produced lasting prosperity for the people

There can be no charity, or welfare, without prosperity. Capitalism produces prosperity. It always has and always will.

If you really believe everything Bernie Sanders is promoting, go move to Venezuela for a year and see how you like it.

Better yet, Bernie should move to Venezuela and fix it. Our country doesn’t need fixing like he wants.
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