PC culture has lead to people being silenced for speaking up against hate. Also nice to see you call censorship free speech again an beating a strawman after people get censored after being lied about and falsely labeled racist.
People on ImgFlip discussing this issue with me appear to hold this weird set of opinions:
1. ImgFlip users can say whatever they want
2. Global MODs can do whatever they want
3. Stream MODs however have no rights of their own to police their own streams’ content and viewpoint
But dig deeper on opinion #3 and it’s clear they’re just talking about me
The issue the right-wing struggles with on this issue is that no private citizen or company owes anyone else a platform
Except that 3 is a strawman, you do have the right to do so, but doing so means that you are acting against free speech and such supports the idea that don't actually believe in the concept.