The facts *are*, in fact, “uncontested, indisputable, and overwhelming” Or at least, Republicans have not bothered to challenge them in any meaningful way.
They have brought no testimony of their own to the table. Zero. They have blocked all Democratic efforts to compel testimony and act like they deserve a gold star for handing over the Zelensky phone call transcript months ago.
They thought that making the transcript public would make this go away, I guess, but in fact it was a smoking-gun document in and of itself and raised far more questions than it answered.
Trump has chosen instead to hide behind his TV screen and tweet about the proceedings rather than bothering to show up on the Senate floor. And his top Administration officials are similarly nowhere to be found.
Instead, the GOP have whined endlessly about “process” and have blasted back with unsupported allegations involving everything from crack to hookers to relitigating the Russia probe to offering up totally skewed and not at all accurate accounts of Joe Biden’s own foreign aid threat in Ukraine.
The GOP had ample opportunity to hold a fair impeachment trial — could have done so and still acquitted Trump anyway as they had more than enough votes — but they blew it.
As information continues to leak out of this Administration like a leaky faucet, from now until the moment the next Democratic President office (at which point all the blocked documents will be released), the GOP will have to own all of it.
The fact that the GOP is unable or unwilling to wake up and smell the coffee on this blatant attempt at election rigging is not a reflection upon the Democrats.