Ah, well, me and my one friend went to CiCi's pizza (if I recall that correctly) and I got a water cup and I didn't know it was a water cup at first, so I filled it with tea, then got yelled at. So I refilled it with water, and decided to take a turn on it. My friend got some Parmesan cheese (the powdery kind that's all grounded up) and put it on her pizza, so I was like, 'Ight, curse it', took it, and just put in my water, and she and her mom were like, 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP!'. I didn't. Then when I drank, it, oh, best. water. ever. Then they were all just laughing while I was just confidently sipping on my Parmesan water, giving the workers a smug look since I practically broke the system. My friend and I still love that story. And the best part is that it's true.