AS THE CULTURE CHANGES, WHAT DO CULTS DO & HOW IS BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY DIFFERENT? ALSO, DOES THE BIBLE SHOW WOMEN HEADSHIP OF A CHURCH? So many cults founded by man, like the Community of Christ (2nd largest Mormon group), have run into cultural pressures over time and, instead of sticking to their supposed truth, they have opted to claim new messages from God. They attempt to meet everyone’s need & become all things to all people, just to attract more followers. They continually conform their beliefs & practices to the present culture. Biblical Christianity does not do that because God is the same yesterday, today & forever. His Bible never changes. During the women's liberation movement, Community of Christ decided women could be ordained into the Mormon priesthood. Feminism altered their flexible beliefs. Unfortunately we see that also pushed in the Christian Church today, as society bucks against male leadership in the home and Church. Cults just claim a new message from God, but even in the Christian Church people say things like, "Hey, the Apostle Paul was against women so we can kind of discount what he said about female headship.” But like it or not, God has always had male headship in the Christian Church.
Popular or not, that wasn’t my idea, it’s God’s example from the Bible.