“You guys” = gun supporters. You may be an independent thinker but your arguments are similar to others.
Re: Utopia. No place on earth is crime free, of course, but Japan and South Korea show it is actually possible to get to virtually no gun deaths which is remarkable.
You can survive a robbery, burglary, or other types of crimes, but not if you’re shot dead. A criminal knife attack is less fatal than a gun assault..
Criminals will be disarmed, too, don’t worry. In fact, they’ll be the first to be disarmed.
The “guns save more lives than they take” is an argument I’ve seen, but it’s totally debunked by the stats in the charts I posted. It this were really true, then America, with all its law-abiding gun owners, should be one of the safest rich countries on earth. Instead, we lag literally all of our peer nations on this issue by a healthy margin.