So why do you still support the murderous Zionist apartheid regime of non-Hebrews of the State of Israel? They proudly proclaim that they "killed Jesus".
Do Christians still worship at Jewish temples & sacrifice animals to cover our sins? No. Our high priest today is Jesus who cleanses us from sin. So Old Testament Civil and Ceremonial laws deal with the people of Israel for that time and not the New Covenant we Christians are now under.
(3) That said, the 3rd type, Jewish moral laws, ARE still in place today. Those are the Bible's teachings against stealing, murder, committing adultery, etc. Those are moral laws based on the moral character of God and are seen in the Old & New Testaments. God commanded us to be holy because He is holy. It's based on His character. So it's always been functioning. But again, for civil and ceremonial laws, the New Covenant in Christ covers those for Christians. WHAT ARE THE 3 TYPES OF OLD TESTAMENT JEWISH LAW?
They were Civil, Ceremonial, & Moral.
(1) Civil was how to run their theocratic
government. Christians are not under that. So the
Old Testament death penalty for certain crimes was
replaced for Christians when Jesus came.
Remember how Jesus freed the woman caught
in adultery. (2) Jewish ceremonial laws included the dietary laws against eating meats like pork. Again, we are no longer under those with the Christian New Covenant in Christ.