I would agree that we are pretty good toward women in this country. Thanks to advances in our laws owing to prior feminist advocacy over a period of a century or more, men and women are broadly equal under the law here in the U.S. However:
1. In many countries around the world today, it is a very different story. Women can't own property, obtain a divorce, reveal their hair/skin/faces in public, or even drive a car. Comparing ourselves with such countries is the clearest illustration of the benefits we enjoy thanks to first-wave and second-wave feminist advocacy.
2. Stepping beyond laws and rights for a second: there are still a lot of lingering social attitudes which discriminate against women. I'm not going to call anyone out right now, but I encounter such attitudes on this website on nearly a daily basis. This is broadly speaking what the Third Wave of feminism is about. I don't subscribe to every tenet of the Third Wave but they have important points, too.