Alright family folks, I've noticed a trend on this site, and I've read through a lot of the comment sections in this stream and see where I can give you all some fatherly (or uncley *sp?) advice that will serve you well on this site, and I want all of you to listen up and take note because that's what us dads do to raise you right. I can't change the whole site, but I've tried to keep the respect of everyone that uses this stream so I want this to be received well as some constructive feedback, I say all this in love to all of you!
I've seen many loooong comment sections, where none of you are upvoting each other's comments. You do a pretty good job of upvoting the meme, but not your comments. There is a huge potential in points for all of you if you would just click the little green button on each comment both when you reply and also upvoting other peoples' comments as well. It's a simple benevolence and act of respect towards your family members and your friends here, and I can say that I didn't end up with as many points as I have (nearly 1.5 million by now) by just getting a few upvotes on the memes I make, the majority came from the comments section just bantering with my friends on here! Give them freely, receive them freely. It's also a site etiquette thing that I personally have gained from but don't get upset about when I don't get the upvotes, but some users out there really get offended when you don't do it.
Now...*clears throat, father voice engaged* courteous to your family members and friends on the site, even perfect strangers. This simple act of respect is as close to using your manners on this site as you'll get.
Alright, end of lesson, any questions ask me or your mom or good ole' uncle Syd and we'll help you out. Now bring it in for a family hug you knuckleheads :)