Dear Flatso--Even the president realized that almost all of the Republican tax cut went to the wealthy. That is what it was designed to do. Remember, it was going to result in AT&T hiring 23,000 more people. The cut 8,000 after it passed. Anyway, he came up with a middle class tax cut, right before the 2018 elections. It died when we slept, and nothing was heard about it after November. Then, out of the ethers with no quid quo pro, he revived in this month. Give me a break. Between you and the Red, do you only read from the daily briefing you get from Moscow? News actually happens that does not cast a kindly glow on Premier Trump. That is what you guys remind me of. As a young boy I remember all the Russian propaganda about Comrade Kruschev my Republican Father used to laugh at. If reading Cold War history is too dry for you, try "The Adventures of Rocky & Bullsinkle." The character "Mr. Big," follows the prototype quite well. And, all of you guys are the ass kissing Boris, stroking his "ego."