you cannot pretend that you "support the troops" and turn them into heroes,but only when they are serving a particular service for YOU.
and the minute they conflict with your own political views,then they are tossed aside,smeared and vilified as traitors,spies and criminals.
we saw this with tulsi gabbard and how the democrats (especially that c**t kamala) tried to paint tulsi as an assad apologist.
not because it was true,or had any basis in reality,but because it was politically convenient to trash tulsi to garner political points.
now I do not know if the smears being slathered over vindman are even remotely true,and neither do you.
but we certainly know how the rightwing media is treating this man.
the hypocrisy is staggering.
to see all these flag waving hypocrites,who constantly fawn over the troops,and will become so offended,to the point of violence,if those troops are not shown proper respect.
until it becomes politically inconvenient,and then they just throw them in the trash bin.
which has been the American way since the Vietnam war.
F.U.C.K.I.N.G hypocrites.