Racists come in many varieties. In fact, you could argue that everyone is racist and be a bit more accurate in your assessment. To claim that Trump is not racist because he wouldn’t share a fountain, marry, or be intimate with a black woman, is ignorant.
Racism isn’t just about hatred, but an irrational failure to see other human beings as equal. Not by class or level of education. No. Skin color is all they’re valued for. This is why the “he has a black friend” excuse never flies. Because that can easily be construed as using another human being like a prop or shield. It doesn’t matter if the black friend vouches for them. The black friend? Can be racist too. And yes, against other black people. It happens. If you don’t believe me, I recommend reading some books on the subject as most of this I had to learn on my own. The hard way.
From what I understand, Mexican-Americans that were born here, actual citizens, have been deported. This is a result of the dismantling of DACA; which has exacerbated the immigration issue at the border. There are people who had allegedly received forged birth certificates, but have they committed any crime if they unwittingly believed themselves American citizens all this time? Are these really forgeries or is the American government claiming they’re “too brown” to be natural citizens?