This is your fourth meme. What would you know about censorship on here, if you have only been here one day?
Censorship is available in extra large doses in politics too, that's where you go if you came for a safe space. The mods will delete your comments because they disagree with them and if the meme is a little too harsh on the left they wont feature it either. So then you have no chance of reaching front page there.
The upvote/ down vote is the only method of censorship that can alter things here in the politics stream and yes it is because there are more right leaning than left leaning memers here. However, if your leftist meme is debatable then it still likely will get high because of the attention, even if it is a stupid comment. There are plenty of people who are also somewhere in the middle so dont kid yourself about censorship.
Only the sheer numbers may create the feeling of censorship for a lefty but as usual there safe space is actually where the censoring takes place by controlling of the stream and not by volume of particular thinking users.
Good luck, snowflake?.