You were a big supporter of Bush when he started, werent you? let that sink and re-evalute whether the views of trump are 'slkewed'... again, we have dealt with the crooked asshole and his big mouth for decades... I also lived in texas when bush became govna and skrewed the state up from the fine place richards left it. so it was obvious, besides bushes sketchy businesses, but texas's decline after he tried politics, that he would be a horrid potus, but no, the votes of the cows counted just as much as those of actual people ... and we got what we got... never ever thought I would say this, but right now... Yes george, would rather have you back than the total incompetent, sleazy, crooked traitor we have now.... george was dumb and inept but he was not a traitor and was a patriot. unlike pledge boy private bone spurs