((open Roleplay))
Mario: peach a' sweety. did you give that fungus friend of yours my spaghetti
Peach: no Mario. he can't come into this house after you planted that horsetail plant in the front yard.
Mario: I had'a no idea Luigi could'a plant' a flowers
Suddenly outside the window sonic came by
Sonic: hey Mario, link told me that he wanted to fight you so I said ok I'll get him and he was going to say something all I could make out was "I was j.." and then I was off here to the mushroom kingdom and now I am here to send you to Hyrule.
Mario: slow down no need to rush.
Sonic: you kidding. if you win Marth has to buy me 8 chili dogs and I'm not gonna let that opportunity pass. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's GO
Mario: let me pack my bags
Luigi: (just waking up) what is going on...
Mario: get your fat self off the couch and come on we are going to Hyrule.