I’m more concerned about the ramifications of Trump setting a precedent for future Presidents to conspire with foreign leaders to smear their political opponents.
But sure, let’s care about who wins or who loses the majority in Congress.
Oh, and if Hillary already set that precedent; then Trump would already be absolved. Ergo, it hasn't set precedent.
Hillary and Trump are both guilty of trying to get dirt on their campaign opponents.
Foreigners were used to get that dirt.
The difference is channels.
Hillary went through a US Company which dug up dirt with foreign agents with former ties to foreign governments. - NOT ILLEGAL (Unless, I'm wrong. Please correct me otherwise.)
Trump went directly through a foreign leader and withheld military weapons in exchange for information. Quid Pro Quo with foreign powers to interfere in a US Election. - ILLEGAL
If Trump goes to Impeachment and the Senate clears him in any way; that reverses the illegality of Trump's actions.
Which is fine. You want Trump off the hook, the Senate may want Trump off the hook, Republicans, voters want to absolve Trump but by absolving him, you absolve his actions and allow a future President to do this again WITH NO CHANCE OF IMPEACHMENT! Which, if you're so partisan I actually have to spell it out to you.
TL;DR If the Senate absolves Trump, any President, Democrat or Republican; will be able to do it.
It's not that hard of a position, nor is it at all anti-Trump. Yet you attack me like the I'm specifically targeting Trump and not my actual concern.