Submitting is tricky. Most of the time, if you post a standard template in the last quarter hour it will feature by the hour mark. Custom submissions are harder to gauge, and take anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours to feature. The key that I've found is, if you can get your meme to feature by 12:00pm eastern standard time then the largest fanbase of the site will be looking at latest on their lunch break for the next 3 hours, giving the most opportunity for upvoting. I've also had good success with Sunday mornings (y'all bunch a heathens!) and sometimes at 5 or 6pm eastern as well as people are checking the site before they leave work or when they get home. It's not sure fire, but it's worked for me...I barely have time to make them any more so I just post when I can and they do poorly in most cases, but it's still fun so who cares :)