With respect to those aging out of the employment market and artificially lowering the percent...those are counted as well. When someone drops out of the system, they are no longer counted in the Labor Participation Rate. This rate continuously dropped under Obama skewing the Employment %. While the rate was falling, his employment rate was falling, without the job numbers to back it up, giving Republicans the "jobless" recovery so often referred to. Under Trump, the Labor Participation Rate is going up, which means more people are being counted, the ones who aged out of unemployment coverage are entering back into the job market. So, not only are they finding jobs, but new jobs are exceeding the number of people available to fill them. When unemployment is going down, and the participation rate is going up you have a booming economy. There is a problem, as I mentioned above. The slow-down people are referring to is definitely coming, but it is because businesses are unable to grow due to lack of people to hire. We are about to plateau until this balances out. The economy can only grow to the extent that there are people to fill jobs here. If they aren't here, then what companies can, will search in other job markets for employees i.e., foreign countries. 3.5% is as low as it's been in almost a century. Given the labor participation rate being at altime highs means that everyone that wants to work is essentially working with the exception of 3.5% of people who are out for a variety of legitimate reasons, some simply because they just don't want to or don't have to. There are a lot of people able to work that don't because they are more comfortable on welfare. A family of four on full welfare benefits exceed 50,000 dollars a year, not an uncomfortable way to live in some areas of the country.