Deciding to not feature is a one-time action. No mod can undo that, and the meme won’t be featured period without some intervention from the site admins. Personal streams (like politicsTOO) are generally more subjective as to what features, and generally speaking site admins aren’t going to step in. Delaying the decision whether to feature or not (slightly more related to the topic) is difficult to do in practice the more Mods there are on a stream. Mods don’t generally talk to each other, and they would have to conspire to hold off on featuring a meme to odd hours in the night, as it will be sitting there every time any Mod looks at the submission queue.. When I moderated Cats all by myself at the beginning, I had complete control of the order and what batch memes would feature in, etc. If I wanted, I could hold off on featuring a meme, and bury it after the submission queue grew to a reasonable size, or decide to not feature it at all. There is no “feature at midnight” option. But now with a handful of Mods, we just try to keep the Cats stream responsive, maintained and adhering to guidelines. Also I personally leave a comment when I choose not to feature a meme, usually something like “needs cats”.