Alizia looked happy,"IGETTOKILLPEOPLEANDITSLEAGALANDSHESTELLINGMETODOIT-"She squealed happily.She ran behind one clone, and stabbed it in the back.removing the blade from the body, she turned to one clone approving her, and kicked it away, using the staff as a baseball bat almost, knocking one on the back of the head.the one knocked down got upland she swished the blade across its chest.For the last two, she ducked and got behind one, and used the blade,stabbing it a good dozen times before lifting her hand to take out the last clone.Her eyes went to a dull black-ish color,and a dark swirl of energy came of it.(Dark magic, but she didnt know that.)She energy charged it, and it exploded, and it knocked her back.HARD.She fainted when she was done.