Not a thing. Why you thing it would be wrong for an American to sew them? Best deal wins, that's common sense. Trump is working to fix a lopsided trade war. Very smart. And chances are those aren't even contracted by Trump personally and perhaps not even his campaign. People make banners for left and right candidates all the time and sell privately.
Let's see some proof that his campaign ordered these (like a reputable news site) and that he is in violation of some law.
jfc... you are just a walking hypocrite. 'Illegal" he is going to "order" all companies out of china... gtfo..... you are that fat guy. sad. what is just as sad is you cant figure it out on your own... ever hear of google? gd....
Lots of hate and anger, but what to expect from a leftist. Watch the profanity, even if abbreviated. No need for such immaturity.
You had the stupid meme, you're required to find proof. So far, not seen any or anything wrong or hypocritical. Just a lot of conclusion jumping to try to pin SOMETHING, ANYTHING on Trump that's wrong. You hate him, we get it. Go and cry and try again in 2024.
there is nothing to 'pin' on him. its done. its not even a secret. he is a total fraud. dude dont know how old you are, but it took 10 years to recover from bush, this will take much longer after he does with everything he touched over the last 40 years with exception to a stupid reality tv show. You know anything about his failed football league? tax evasion? lies about his buildings sizes? central park 5? university? airline? steaks? hotels? casinos? gross crap on the Howard Stern show.... praise for everyone for decades that he now mocks ... do you really know anything about the scumbag?
2 ups, 6y,
2 replies
I'm much older than that... And you discredit yourself saying it took 10 years to recover from Bush. It took 10 years perhaps to recover from the effects of 9/11, but that's mostly a Clinton screw up as facts show. We survived Obama to be sure, barely, in spite of the division he caused. Had the idiots not given us Obama, we'd have not had Trump, so that also falls on the liberals ultimately.
Who says I support Trump? I didn't vote for him. But likewise, I'm not blind to all the good he's done as president either. Most of his policies have been spot on. But his childishness and potty mouth (like yours -- you guys should go bowling) are primary reasons I didn't support him.
Not all black and white like you imagine it to be.
Fair enough. That said. his policies are going to make what happened to Lehman Brothers look like a walk in the park. Could start tomorrow, next month, after next year, but prior to the election. Mark that.
2 ups, 6y,
2 replies
Only if the media fans the flames of ignorance and people panic. On its own the economy is doing very very well. No bubble.
Didn'tcha know? None of the Trumpites on this site voted Trump. Not. a. single. one.
They just feel bad because he's getting picked on, so they rally to his defense, just like they did for America's favorite Kenyan.
Oh, and as shall be witnessed as they retire for the evening, GMT and eastward, none of them even live here. The ones still posting into the evening hours this side of the Atlantic seem to be a tad more familiar with Canadian locales and politics (quick, name their Prime Minister! I can't either) than the rest of us delightfully-oblivious-to-the-rest-of-the-world Americans. They can't name the State they supposedly live in but can tell you about the lovely weather in Ellesmere Island and know what SEI stands for? Yeah, they're 'not' Canadian.