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Now it's personal

Now it's personal | NOW IT'S PERSONAL | image tagged in things are getting serious,popeyes,chick-fil-a,chicken sandwich,signs/billboards,memes | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
96,495 views 359 upvotes Made by james3v6 6 years ago in fun
12 ups, 6y
Savage Patrick | I LIKE WHERE THIS IS HEADING | image tagged in savage patrick | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
12 ups, 6y,
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Black woman | DAY RAN OUT A CHICKEN? HOW'S I'M POSS TA FEED MY CHILREN? | image tagged in black woman | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
6 ups, 6y,
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AINT   NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
5 ups, 6y,
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4 ups, 6y
Aint Nobody got eyes that can see Anymore after lookin at dat Ass!
1 up, 6y,
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Isn't that meme kind of racist?
0 ups, 6y
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9 ups, 6y,
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4 ups, 6y,
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BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This is great! Love it!
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"Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy..."

The owner wanted to reflect it in his business.
3 ups, 6y,
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For Jews, it is Saturday. For Christians, Sunday. Honestly, doesn't matter which day you keep, as long as you keep it.
3 ups, 6y
^Basically this
0 ups, 6y
I agree with your answer. The explanations and Scripture you give later are accurate. I believe that Timber1972 is Seventh Day Adventist. He is obviously very deep into their indoctrination as he says that you are not a believer because you disagree with his view of Sabbath keeping.

He may not realize this and probably doesn't care due to his indoctrination, but if has a added "Saturday Sabbath keeping" to what is necessary for salvation, that's "another gospel" as spoken of in Galatians 1 and according to v8-9 whoever preaches or believes "another gospel" is accursed.

I like to share these charts with SDAs because the pastor who put them together was fifth generation Seventh Day Adventist before he was saved.
2 ups, 6y,
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8 ups, 6y,
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Some reading material for you...

COL 2:16-17
HEB 8:13
HEB 4:9-11
Acts 15
Acts 20:7
GAL 4:10-11
ROM 14:5-12

The New Testament never commands Christians to observe the Sabbath. The apostle Paul warned the Gentiles about many different sins in his epistles, but breaking the Sabbath was never one of them. Just do a search about living under the Law after you've been saved.

"What does the Fourth Commandment say...?"

What do commandments 11 - 435 say? And more importantly, do you follow any of them? I highly doubt it. Well, James 2:10-13 says if you break one, you've broken them all. Are you sure you want to live under the OT Law?
2 ups, 6y,
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Not bothered by questions, bothered by people who ignore answers and keep going around in a circle trying to find an "AHA, GOTCHA" moment (like your second paragraph).

Keeping a day has to do with gathering with other members of the church to learn, share fellowship, reflect on the week, and praise God. Do you think God is going to not pay attention to you if you do that on Wednesday instead of Sunday (or I guess Saturday to your legalistic thinking)? Or that God gets miffed at people whose professions require they work on Saturday and/or Sunday?

I see you enjoyed getting on your soapbox with Pascalean down below. Well, again, I'll ask you: do you follow Commandments 11 - 435? Or do you just follow the first 10 and call it a day? Because if you've ever had sex with a woman within 7 days of her period, you broke a commandment. If you've ever failed to sacrifice a heifer in a field bisected by a stream to atone for a dead body found between two cities, you've broken a commandment. Do you still sacrifice a spotless lamb every year to atone for the sins of you and your family, at a place, time, and under the direction of a priest as perfectly described in the Torah?

I'm going to guess you don't and never have.

The Law was given to the people of Israel to demonstrate just how far below God's standards they are. Christ fulfilled the Law and entered us into a New Covenant in His blood. If you're still living by the Old Testament, you're living under the Law, something Paul taught heavily against. And from the sound of it, you're living under 2.5% of the Law and acting holier-than-thou about it.

But sure, go ahead and refer to my "defensive posture" again.
0 ups, 6y,
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Talking to you is a waste of time. And on that note, I'm done. I've posted chapter and verse, you just keep harping on the same point over and over and calling everyone a pagan and unbeliever.

0 ups, 6y,
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0 ups, 6y
I've backed up everything I've said with chapter and verse. You're just arguing what you "think" and then turning it into a question to try to put words in peoples' mouths.

"You, also, are not a believer, evidenced by the things you say here."

MATT 7:1

Nice talking to you. Have fun driving more people away from God.
3 ups, 6y,
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The early church changed the day to reflect the day of the resurrection. Sabbath simply refers to the seventh day. So for every seven days, one day is to be set aside for rest. The used this in their farming and economy as well. The Jews were strict about keeping the letter of the law, whereas, the early Christians were seeking to break from the letter and obey the "spirit" of the law. Both the writings of the Church Fathers and Roman Historians confirm this.
4 ups, 6y,
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Whose authority did they need?
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0 ups, 6y
Where does it say that?
2 ups, 6y
"then why not take your day of "rest" on Tuesday, or Friday, or Wednesday...? You argue that "Sunday" became the day to "commemorate the resurrection"..."

John 20:1 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”

John 20:19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

Matthew 28: After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

Luke: 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” 8 Then they remembered his words.

Many people who are required to work on Sunday, do in fact choose other days. And good for them. They are still putting a day aside for rest. You're the one hung up on legalistic custom. Paul taught against that. The early believers met on the first day of the week to celebrate the Agape Feast, because they were in better position to know what day Jesus rose than you. The actual witnesses were alive and speaking to them at the time.
1 up, 6y
I'd love to know where in the New Testament it says to label everyone you disagree with as a pagan and condemn them to hell. I must've missed that one.
1 up, 6y
"Well, you know, there's the whole speaking from the fiery and smoky mountain thing..."

Who needs a bush when you've walked with God in the flesh? Luke says himself that there weren't enough books in the world to record all the teachings and deeds that Christ performed while he walked with them, so you don't know what you don't know about early customs and their legitimacy.

Colossians 2:16 Paul admonishes, "Therefore do no let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day."

Sabbath means rest. The Commandment doesn't say "Saturday" or "Sunday", only that you work 6 days and rest. The reason is given that God created the earth in 6 days and rested, and the other reason given is to remember the plight in Egypt where they were made to work everyday, hence, the day of rest is to be holy (set apart for something special) and a day of remembering God and how he delivered them from the Egyptians. At some point someone decreed that on such and such a day the work week will begin, but that wasn't God, and the work week is different across all cultures. Only the Jews sought to kill people for not recognizing their arbitrary days and dates. Jesus didn't come to reinforce their error, but to correct it.

The Jews are the ones who ascribed the actual day--based on calendars available at that time. Those calendars were flawed and lost days every year, and I'm pretty sure God didn't smite them for not knowing what day it really was. Our calendar today isn't even that precise and requires a leap year just to catch up. Days and names are just arbitrary terms used to measure the passing of time anyway. Legalists concern themselves with useless "days" and "customs" for the sake of control. Jesus himself didn't even keep the Sabbath to their strict specifications, but was condemned for something as simple as picking wheat, eating a snack and healing someone. He is known for "fulfilling the law", but that falls apart if he was bound to the Jewish interpretation of it. So it wasn't about having a specific day of the week so much as having a day of rest for reflection and worship. The Jews reflected on their means of deliverance from the Egyptians, while the early Christians reflected on the deliverance from the condemnation of sin, brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus, who appeared to them on the "first day".
0 ups, 6y
"They changed the "day of rest" from the Sabbath to Sunday on no authority but their own, to honor their pagan beliefs, and fooling billions in the process."

Um, the Apostles did this in the book of Acts. Did you just call the Apostles pagans?
6 ups, 6y,
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Honestly, I much, much prefer the Colonel.
7 ups, 6y,
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7 ups, 6y,
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Waffle fries are pretty yummy!
5 ups, 6y,
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I personally prefer curly fries from hardys, but I do love me some kentucky fried chicken
4 ups, 6y
Mm! Love curly fries
6 ups, 6y,
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4 ups, 6y,
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No, Publix deli subs...
4 ups, 6y
I'm lidding, but it wasn't THAT obvious unless you watch theodd1sout, so I'll let that one pass
3 ups, 6y
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