How pathetic are we, as believers, who say or are so proud and bold to carry the name of Jesus, but does not even know the core teachings of our faith?
We watch moves like "God's Not Dead", all so ready to chant the title before Atheists, but could not properly define and defend the doctrine of the Trinity, the Deity of Christ, of Justification; Substitutionary Atonement, the Four Solas, what is the Church, and church history.
Do we even try to read the Bible, from cover to cover? Or do we simply read verses in bible studies?
In the meanwhile, we bing watch movies in Netflix, voraciously read Harry Potter, and play video games for hours on end, while CULT GROUPS such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the LDS, the Fundamentalist Church of Christ, etc, say that most Christians in the church today, does not know their bibles.
Now they're right in bragging about themselves in comparison, because WE CARE MORE ABOUT OTHER THINGS, THAN WE DO THE THINGS OF SCRIPTURE.
And the fault lies squarely at the Pastors who've failed to tell you this, your parents who've not discipled you on it; the Youth Pastors who thinks Doctrines only divide the church, and YOU... if you've habitually ignore your conscience with regard to this.
I'm not pushing us to go, everyone, to enroll in a seminary, but we must know what we believe. Go, and ask your pastor or elders, and have them teach you. Go online, to reputable sites
We must know them in not just the name, but what is it in detail, and where it is supported in scripture.