I looked into the Heathy eating stream and while I don’t plan to follow it much I thought I would share some knowledge.
I am a type 2 diabetic, it’s hereditary. Even before I found out I had changed my diet. Before I met my wife I had given up fast food. It started after visiting my parents and only eating home cooked meals for a week. I felt so much better I decided to change my life.
After six months of being fast food free I was given a burger from a fast food place and it made me gag it was so greasy and the flavor was horrid.
Fast forward to my present job which required my to go to nights for two years. I knew I had to change my diet more due to the shift. Night crews burn less energy, but crave more fats and sugars.
Now after getting back to days I still felt wrong and that’s when I found out about the diabetes. So I gave up frozen prepared foods and many of the sweets I still crave. Then I did my research.
Olive oil, garlic, onions, fresh minced spinach and other flavor enhancers are natural and our bodies are able to make use of them the right way. But what’s one of the worst foods for you? Pasta. We can break it down so quickly into carbs that unless you are very active it will hurt you.
More later, work is calling