He did the same thing the last time he was about, in the winter.
Started pestering me after avoiding me for a few weeks, so I returned in kind.
Then one day I posted a wall of facts and he couldn't find a typo to harp on or go off on a semantics rant or how dare I insult his Gods, Trump or Paine, so he shut up, ducking out the same way like here.
From then on, he only replied with "Hi stalker!" and ran off to harrass newbs, the more seasoned flippers proving too much for his trite limp verbage to handle.
Unfortunately for him, one of them was Sasamu, a high school kid in Europe who rubbed Dimby's face in his own excrement. Dimbs kept at it - this was just some kid after all - focusing on him for a couple of weeks, getting his frail ego whipped like porridge in a blender set on high inside a micrwave oven.
Sasamu had some schooling to get back to, so went gone, but after a week of respite for Dimb stepped in imgflip vet, 1Redshoe, and the combo explosion/implosion Dimb was dealt made him go MIA after a couple of days of that hell.
I even refrained from poking him that last week, it really was that sad, him limping on all fours, his tail dragging on the ground.