The greatest mass murderers in modern history all knew that you need to remove the guns from the hands of the private citizens.
To borrow a quote,
“One man with a gun can control 100 without one. ... Make mass searches and hold executions for found arms.”
― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
So anyone trying to do the same removal of guns from society under pretext of other things is probably only looking to have the ability to control others or starve them to death at their choosing. Just like Lenin suggested and did.
Turkey, civilians are not allowed to possess automatic firearms and semi-automatic firearms.” Turkey requires background checks, licensing and registration for other firearms
No. It is, actually. You cannot show correlation unless there is a clear trend. 99 out of 100 would be another story but the data shows very clearly that population density is not an explanatory variable to the homicide rate, as per your assertion.
explain why there are not mass murders by the Swiss? They have anywhere from 27-42 guns per person avg and more "assault riffles" than handguns (handguns are harder to get there)
Their crime rates are almost non existent