You're crackin' me up and making me feel old all at the same time dude, lol! It was an electronic appliance that used a phone line to connect to the internet back when the internet first was a thing. They downloaded and processed stuff incredibly slow, and if you were online and someone picked up the phone it would end your session which was incredibly frustrating when downloading something. They were also notoriously unreliable, and 1 out of every 3 attempts to connect to the internet would fail and you'd have to start all over again. Lets say you wanted to check imflip back in 1990, you would have to run the modem app and it would take a full 2 minutes to connect, all the while making that racket (loudly) in the youtube link i gave you. Then, it'd probably take you another 2 minutes to actually get to the site and fully load, and due to all the images on this site they would all load from the top down in "bars" or sometimes progressive resolution pixels that would become more and more clear as the image loaded. There was no instant gratification like we have today, amazing how far things have come in such a short time.