Wouldn’t be here without long time users taking the time to help out in any way they can.
I remember being on around 35-40k points.
I’d just took part in a birds weekend event, and for that 1forPeace upvoted every single meme and comment of mine for about 15k points!
Dashhopes endless persistence in getting people to post more, Giveuahint getting in endless comment threads that are always hilarious, Craziness_all_the_way posting insane upvote gifs and even sharing awesome pages full of gifs, for me to work with.
Raydog, has over 20 million points and the site wouldn’t be the same without him.
Nixie almost quit at one point and is now funnier than she’s ever been and is forever giving amazing advice on anything.
There are too many more to mention but I’ve taken or learnt something from pretty much anyone who’s active in the top 250 users since I joined up.